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Public·1 Warm Cups

Mr. Je Veux III
2 days ago · updated the description of the group.


Welcome to THE WARM CUP!

We are borne to die. To figure out those weak spots in our feathers. To arise to a knowing within ourselves. To live beyond the measure of fools. To fulfill the bounds of our destiny.

"I was broken for you, take ye eat--for these are my lessons learned; the bounty of my soul.

-The Warm Cup.

-Mr. Je Veux III

Everyone wants to be a poet, but no one is willing to suffer, to languish, to die. Don't talk to me about poetry, until you’ve been nailed to a cross---stripped bare, robbed, shamed, wounds ripped open for all the world to see. No you don't know poetry, you don't know the depths of such valley---you'll never come close to tally its cost -Thewarmcup

Self-love IS the spiritual awakening!-The Warm Cup


MITAHSE! Welcome to THE WARM CUP! We are borne to die. To f...

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