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"Home is not just a place; it is where we discover our strengths, confront our fears, and embrace our true selves."

-The Warm Cup

Beautiful african bonsai tree under african sunset vibrant and inspirational a hidden path
A broken city with honey pouring down li
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Mr. Je Veux III
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Welcome to THE WARM CUP!

We are borne to die. To figure out those weak spots in our feathers. To arise to a knowing within ourselves. To live beyond the measure of fools. To fulfill the bounds of our destiny.

"I was broken for you, take ye eat--for these are my lessons learned; the bounty of my soul.

-The Warm Cup.

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-Mr. Je Veux III

Everyone wants to be a poet, but no one is willing to suffer, to languish, to die. Don't talk to me about poetry, until you’ve been nailed to a cross---stripped bare, robbed, shamed, wounds ripped open for all the world to see. No you don't know poetry, you don't know the depths of such valley---you'll never come close to tally its cost -Thewarmcup

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Self-love IS the spiritual awakening!-The Warm Cup

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The darkness never fades. Even when sunlight appears. You carry a piece of that dark place with you----like a shadow at your side, so are the lessons learned. You never forget that place. That rich soil of experience.-The Warm Cup

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Loneliness is intrinsic

"Loneliness is intrinsic" There's a profound truth in that statement. Loneliness, at its core, is a deeply personal and intrinsic experience.

It's something that many people face at different points in their lives, often leading to introspection and growth.

By embracing it, you seem to have found a way to connect with yourself on a deeper level, uncovering the beauty within and transforming loneliness into a source of strength and understanding.

Your journey is inspiring, and it’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. How do you find peace in those moments of intrinsic loneliness?

I face the internal truth That loneliness is a body of healing waters. Not everyone can swim in the thick of it. Many have drowned in it's sorrows---I've been fortunate, you find peace in the understanding; It quenches the parts of you that ache--that yearns for anything other than yourself.

The part of…

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You come to appreciate the silence.

You come to understand its inaudible groans. You recline into the idea that God has set you apart.

Chosen to be a witness. To testify an honest truth. To rise from the depths of the eternal flame of the sun. To be borne into the life you've always imagined.-The Warm Cup

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Most days I feel like the sun. A mere observer in this puzzled-piece world. Bearing the weight of darkness---lifted by the rays of understanding. I have been carved out of the womb of civilization---thrown into the bowels of great revelation. I know why the sun lifts its head---I know why its eyes burn like a raging sea.

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