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Writer's pictureMr. Je Veux III

The Wounds Of Liberty: The Brokenness of Philadelphia

Updated: 3 days ago

For over forty years, Philadelphia has been my home, and I feel a deep responsibility to highlight the tragedy unfolding before me.

Our streets are filled with evidence of a city that has surrendered its hope. The sidewalks, once bustling with the vibrant energy of life and community, now bear witness to the slow decay of optimism. Graffiti, which was once a means of artistic expression, has now become a vivid symbol of disillusionment, with messages scrawled in hurried strokes that speak to the frustration and despair felt by many. The storefronts of which are closed and deserted, reflect dreams that have vanished.

Potholes and cracked pavements serve as physical manifestations of the city’s struggle---

as if the very ground beneath our feet has given up on the possibility of renewal. Streetlights flicker intermittently, casting an erratic glow that illuminates the shadows of those who wander aimlessly, searching for a glimmer of hope in a landscape that seems to have forgotten what it means to thrive.

Each corner tells a tale of what, once, was. If only the spirit of hope could be reignited.

The challenge lies not just in recognizing this hopelessness but in finding ways to reclaim the streets and breathe life back into a community yearning for revival.

This environment fosters a culture of hopelessness, where dreams are stifled, and the potential for change feels like an insurmountable challenge.

I won't cut corners with you, Philadelphia---It's time someone confronts you with the truth, holds a mirror to the madness, and call from the shadows, the skeletons.

The heartbeat of this city has grown faint, and she has one foot in the grave, and the other dangling in a sea of unfulfilled dreams.

My duty is to bring light to the realities around me, challenge the existing state of affairs, and inspire thought that leads to action. It's about US, our survival and livelihood. I use prose as a medium to provoke movement that incites change. AND WE MUST CHANGE, Philadelphia...and fast!

Applying a fresh coat of paint on an old problem isn't change—the city is guilty when it comes to this sin; painting smiles where frowns should be.

The dangerous, crime-ridden streets I faced as a child, are the same that I encounter now as an adult. The Fear, the trauma and the concerns are still the same. This suggests to me that Philadelphia doesn't solve its problems; it conceals them.

We place new "leaders" into office, but the truth is, the leaders have led us nowhere but down the same dusty road. We wake up to find ourselves in the same cycles, year after year and those of us who are diligently trying to make a living, manage expenses, and pay our taxes are faced with an alarming reality: Philadelphia no longer looks like home. And it hasn't felt like home in a very long time.

The conditions in our subways have become increasingly dire, as we tread through the stench of urine and feces—horrifying reminders of the city's ongoing struggles with homelessness and addiction. This grim scenario is not just an inconvenience; it is a reflection of a systemic failure to address the issues that truly plague our community.

Our youth are bored, tired and angry. They have become destructive, not only to themselves but to their communities. They have outgrown the playground of old ideas----and the city of Philadelphia has not reimagined their meaningful lives. Everyone is suffering in different ways here---yet many choose to save face and brave the smile.

Well, I can no longer standby and bear witness to the spiritual slaughter of a city that I hold so dear.

We deserve dedicated leadership that prioritizes public health, safety, and the dignity of all residents.

Are we truly in a position to sit around, twiddling our thumbs--- ignoring the cries for help from our citizens? No—now is the time for action, not complacency.

We have more than enough so-called professionals and experts in various fields, yet what we truly need are individuals who are genuinely willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Enough with the fancy lunches and photo opportunities. We require leaders who are willing to dive in, get their hands dirty, and accomplish the task!

There are plenty of capable people here, individuals who possess the necessary understanding of systematic flaws and structural frailties that are at the root of our problems. Unfortunately, these people are frequently excluded due to the absence of surface-level qualifications.

It is clear that what we require is not just a degree or a title, but a deep commitment to the well-being of our city and its residents. We need leaders who are willing to listen to the voices of the community, who can engage the challenges we face, and who will prioritize solutions that uplift all Philadelphians.

Philadelphia, the city of cycles...when will we move forward. We must no longer be passive but RESPONSIVE! Our hearts must change, first! We must truly want this for ourselves as individuals, so we can come together as a whole.

It's 2025... It's time to celebrate victories Philadelphia, it's time for a renewal of hearts and restoration in our communities. It's time to rise above the mundane--we are a city of artists and our home should reflect our inner beauty and strengths.

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